Friday, November 30, 2012

This Morning

Ok. Violet was a crazy baby last night and hit a record of FOUR wakings! Only 2 required me going in there... But oh man! I feel like my brain is still sleeping :)

We had a fun rainy day play date this morning at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach about 15-20 minutes from our house. We met a friend Haylee and her baby June who is 2 weeks younger than Violet :) We met Haylee and her husband Leif (pronounced Leaf) in our Bradley method class and they're really nice people :) Violet and June had a blast together :) We set them on the carpet in front of the main fish tank and Violet was hodge podge crawling to get to June's toys :) She's sooooo close I can feel or in my heart (it skips a beat every time she's on the floor) ❤ She had so much fun that she's konked out asleep in the car now :)

I love babies :)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

When life throws you bubbles...

You pee outside in the rain with Odie.

The bubbles I'm talking about are the SAME ones we heard thanksgiving night! Bubble bubble bubble in the toilet... Then the shower wouldn't drain, or the kitchen sink, AND the toilets wouldn't flush again! The WORST was that the water that came up in the guest tub was brownish. Eeeewwww!!! Matt promised me it wasn't poop, but brown + water to me = poop. So I refused to take a shower last night. Because even though I don't shower in the guest tub, our shower wouldn't drain and I was convinced that their MIGHT be brownish water in there... And for those of you who know me, KNOW how much I HATE dirty feet! And I didn't want to have my pee sitting in the toilet smelling all night... So yes, I peed outside... In the rain... In the middle of the night... With Odie (I was also afraid that I'd automatically flush which would overflow our bathroom).

Thank goodness they snaked it again (for free this time) and we got a quote for putting a main line clean out in our front yard (it's behind our house now). That would allow us to pressure wash out the roots which lasts longer :)

Oh joy ❤

A Harrison Confession

How do you know you're a bad pet owner? Your pet tells you. All night, Odie kept Matt up by sitting by his side of the bed and staring at him. At 2:00 he got up and let Odie outside... At this moment Odie decided to frolic and scamper around IN THE RAIN and wouldn't come back inside. Matt enlisted my help, but Odie just looked like he was smiling at our fumbling.

Our confession: we haven't taken Odie on a walk since Monday... and it was Wednesday night. Lesson? Walk your dog at LEAST 30 minutes a day... And don't skip 2 days.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


My sister-in-law Julie first told me about this amazing mommy invention! Picture this: fashionable necklaces and bracelets made for moms which your babies can chew on! Unbelievable right?! WRONG! They exist! Silicone, BPA free beads of all different colors :) I ordered mine directly from the mom who makes them ( and they're just fantastic and Violet looooves them :) Thanks Julie ❤ Just amazing :)

Violet + Odie = ❤ (take 15)

Our Amazing Weekend

While everyone else in the area was Black Friday shopping, the Harrison's were getting in full fledged Christmas spirit (after golfing and our snaking incident of course) and THAT means decorating :) I decked Violet out in a sweet little black and red Christmas bow outfit and we headed outside! It took us 2 days and some help from papa (watching Violet) to get our outside masterpiece completed and buy a Christmas tree :) Every year we've been hitting up the after Christmas sales on home decor and last year we added 2 motorized deer! If you live nearby you'll have to come by and check it out :) Violet and Odie love it :)

... So that takes care of Friday and Saturday... But what about Sunday? Well, the fun didn't stop :) We went to breakfast at my favorite spot - Crema cafe - then headed down the pacific coast highway to Laguna Beach to go to the Sawdust festival (like a big craft fair) :) It was AWESOME! Then we came home and put lights on our Christmas tree :) Here's a little Jenna-life-love-wonder: More Christmas lights = More holiday spirit = More happiness = More joy = ... = ... = ... Matt's thoughts: "Jenna... I find it strange how every year you talk me into getting a slightly smaller tree, but I somehow end up buying more strands of Christmas lights :)" <-- that's a true story, too :) We got a 6 ft tree and I managed to put 12 strands of colored lights on it. You're welcome Southern California Edison :) You! Are! Welcome!

Ps- Guess what else?! We got a new awesome rug that Violet doesn't choke on! I made ham soup with our leftovers (yuuuum)! Our tree out front turned yellow! Violet is a nano second away from crawling! We almost lost Rosie (Violets little stuffed Sesame Street character) at the sawdust festival, but after hunting for 10 minutes re-tracing steps we found it... After which Violet proceeded to talk and sing to her for 5 minutes straight! And she loves playing 'airplane' :)