First, let me give you some background. Last night, after an amazingly fun 4th of July with his family, we stayed the night at Matt's folks house. Violet slept upstairs by herself in a pack n play in Matt's old room (now an office - she's done this for an entire weekend before while Matt and I were in SF celebrating our anniversary in May). Matt and I slept downstairs in the family room on a blowup bed while Odie roamed around, eventually sleeping at our feet on the floor. After a fun filled day and a bath, Violet fell asleep around 7-7:30 pm. Then at about 4:15 am she started to cry... And cry... And cry...
Now if we were home, we would have let her cry... But Matt's folks graciously took us in for the night and grandpa was supposed to wake up at 5 am to get ready for work. We REALLY didn't want Mark to wake up so I quickly ran up stairs to get her. She was standing up, clutching her blanket, and crying. As soon as I walked in and picked her up she said 'mama' and snuggled in. I thought, 'yay! This is going to be quick!' Well, she went back down ok... But when I turned to leave and close the squeaky door she started to cry. I did this 2 more times and then called Matt upstairs to make an attempt... To no avail... And then she appeared to be UP! What?!?! So Matt brought her downstairs to hang out with us in bed until grandpa was awake and gone to work. Walking down the stairs she immediately saw Odie and said 'Odie!' She somehow stayed quiet (yet awake) between us in bed and said 'bye' while waving to grandpa as he walked out the door at 5:30 am. Then about 15 minutes later she FINALLY fell asleep (after rolling around between us and thrashing about, effectively demoting me to the foot of the blowup bed as if I were a tiny lap dog, not a 25 1/2 week along pregnant lady who can't get comfortable). And that people, is why Violet has NEVER slept with us!
At 8:15 am when she woke up and smiled at me, I gave her a big hug and kiss... Even though my entire body was aching and stiff ❤

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