Snapshots and tidbits of our life as we learn how to laugh about the simple joys that make us a family...
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Little Owl Preschool
This morning Matt and I (with Preston in tow) went on our first preschool tour... Little Owl. This to me, as an SLP was a dream of a preschool based on play skills, problem solving, and getting our children natural experiences to build their minds and nurture their creative souls. It's based on a Reggio-inspired style of learning developed by an Italian. It's housed in a gold standard LEED building with a living roof and walls! They have a chef on staff that cooks all snacks and meals while allowing the children to help (the kitchen is open and in the center). They have a garden and chickens! They have an outdoor play ground designed by the natural playgrounds company (seriously AMAZING). And everything is hands on and child lead!!! What?!?! Of course you pay out your ears for this type of preschool, but so amazing to see that this idea of a learning environment actually EXISTS and isn't just a far off dream! We'll be looking into other preschools as well, but man did we start with a bang!!! Our little Violet would really flourish here... It was NOT your typical academic type setting... But more like beautifully organized chaos that SOMEHOW worked. Almost like the minds of 2.5-5 year olds... Chaotic but somehow purpose driven and beautiful :) Matt had to rush off to work, but I'm excited to talk about this place tonight and break down the positives and negatives of this little school :) more to come!
Slow Down
I've realized that I'm a busy body and I have a really hard time slowing down... Even when my body is screaming at me to stop. Today I took a 45 minute nap while Preston slept and I'm taking the time to just sit :) Usually my day goes like this lately:
- Go to bed between 10-11 pm
- Wake up 1-2x to nurse P-Town usually at 2/3 am and again at 5/6 am
- Wake up anywhere from 5-6:30 am with Violet (she's been getting up earlier than usual lately)
- Feed V breakfast, play with her quietly, and get her ready until Preston wakes up
- Nurse Preston and get him ready at around 8 am
- Take V to daycare (unless we have a play date scheduled)
- Between nursing Preston and his naps I usually do at least 2 loads of laundry, dishes, prep and cook dinner, tidy up the house (toys, counters, dust a little - I'm definitely an anti clutter neat freak), and any other odds and ends that I have on my to-do list.
- When Matt gets home in time he helps with dinner and baths, otherwise I feed and bathe both kiddos and get them both ready for bed by 6:30/7 pm
- Then at 7/8 I nurse and put Preston down for the night (Matt always help put ptown down - every 3 days he also gives Preston a bottle)
- Then from 8-10/11 Matt and I spend time together
Most often by the end of the day I'm so exhausted I can't stay awake, but am too tired to fall asleep! I typically get between 5-6 hrs of sleep per night (my body likes 7.5-8) AND let's not forget to mention the back logged hours I've lost since before Preston was born. I really cherish the time that Matt and I get in the evenings and am excited for Preston to get old enough for us to sleep train him... He has to be at least 4 months and 16 lbs (the latter of which he's already hit!). Then Matt and I will reclaim our late evenings and I will reclaim my continuous sleep at night :)
I love my beautiful, amazing, healthy, and spirited children, but I sometimes look back at Matt and my 'single-married' life with googley eyes :) In this crazy adventure with kiddos, the only thing I seem to miss is the time Matt and I have together just as a couple. With family far away, the times we get together are our late evenings or the occasional date night when our babysitter is in town from college. I wouldn't trade any of this for the world, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I dream of the day when our little ones are old enough for Matt and I to have our adventures again :)
Until then, I'm trying to learn the art of enjoying the little moments and slowing down and taking time to myself. As most moms do, it's come to my attention lately that the person I never think of OR think of last is myself... Case in point: I often feed everyone else, but forget to eat myself... I bathe and get everyone else ready for bed and often stall showering because I'm too tired... I make sure everyone else has their special 'play/alone' time, but forget to schedule in my own de-stress moments and outings... All of which add up to an exhausted mommy. Even when I'm tired I often think of all the things I could be or SHOULD be doing instead of taking a nap or resting my feet, even if it's only for 20 minutes (those 20 minutes could mean a lot of laundry folding, cleaning, or food prep). BUT, as Matt reminds me... I can't take care of our babies until I take care of myself. Like when you're on an airplane and you're supposed to secure your own oxygen mask before securing your children's masks. It's pretty much a life metaphor right? If your body and mind aren't right, you can't care for others... So put your dang oxygen mask on :)
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Preston had his first swim class today at exactly 13 weeks old! We had planned to take him sooner, but he got his 2 month shots right before the holidays and then after the holidays our daycare got the stomach flu (I couldn't bring Violet) then WE caught it the next week :( He is much more aware and alert at this age than Violet was at 9 weeks old when we took her for her first time... It took him about 10-15 minutes for him to warm up to the class... Maybe because of all the loud noise and the scariness of the environment? Of course he did great by the end and I'd say his favorite part was tummy time on one of the square rafts :) He's so happy and smiley even when he's sad :) He'll be able to go for a month until I return to work and he's 4 months old (babies up to 4 months are free at this particular parent and me location). What a cutie pie :)

His legs are starting to get chubbier :)
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
The Stomach Flu
It seems like we're finally over the stomach flu! This week (and last) were rough. Violet threw up for the first time in 21 months, Preston hit a personal sleep record (10.5 hrs), and I haven't had the stomach flu since 2000. That's 14 years! Just saying it makes me feel old! ... 2 Harrison tykes with the crazy willies makes me feel old :) At least we're all feeling better :)
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