Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Violet and I made her first set of valentines cards for her friends at daycare last night! They've got glittery tattoo finger rings and lollipops in them :) We wrote, "You're a great friend!" And "Thank you for being my friend!" in them❤

Monday, February 11, 2013

My favorite moments:

* When Violet or Odie takes a nap with me without being forced (because goodness knows I try... Frequently❤)
* Hearing my 2 babies playing with each other... usually playing tug of war with Odie's toys or 'keep away' (from Violet) which I think is Odie's favorite because he loves being chased❤
* That both V and Odie let me cradle them❤
* Coming home from work after a long, but usually good day and seeing both Violet and Odie ecstatic beyond belief to see me❤

ANd the best one? Getting to share all of this, everyday, with my best friend in life... Matt❤

A frosty run

Saturday morning, Odie, Violet and I went for a run in the park. There was frost everywhere! Violet was so toasty that the clear see through part if her stroller was all fogged up :)


When Violet is cutting a tooth, she really loves the food in packets because they're cold and super smooth ❤

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Thanks Dana!

I love my coworkers :) They somehow know JUST what I like ❤

This tub was made with LOVE!

Violet LOVES bath time sooooo much! We fill her tub up almost to the top because she loves laying back and feeling the water all around her face and ears :) Then she proceeds to kick and splash around on her back and giggles hysterically ❤ Such a happy girl :) We are so blessed ❤

Ps- one of the pictures is blurry, but it was an awesome moment between Violet and Odie because she was cuddling him on the floor just like I do :) Monkey see, monkey do :)

Monday, February 4, 2013

A Blur

Last week was an absolute blur. A combination of fun family visits compiled with Violet deciding to wake up 3x each night is what did it!

I've already shared our fun Sunday through Wednesday adventures with my parents, so onto Thursday! My grandpa came into town Thursday night and stayed with us till early Saturday morning! It was such a treat :) I have Fridays off so grandpa, Violet, and I went to breakfast and hung out all day :) This included doing some laundry, taking a walk, both grandpa and V having an afternoon nap (while I gave Odie a bath), and dinner at George's Greek cafe with Matt :)

Violet has taken pure joy and excitement out of all our family visitors! It was sad to see grandpa leave Saturday morning :( Hopefully we'll see him soon...

After the funeral on Saturday we visited with Matt's folks and our niece and nephew (whose parents also went to a funeral that day- different one). It's amazing to see how much kiddos change and grow up ❤

Ernie Frey

Matt, Violet, and I went to the funeral of a dear friend Saturday morning. Every song sung must've been my favorite song that we'd sing in church at HALC (now Spirit of Hope). Being back at that church really felt like home since it was the first place we stayed at for longer than 2 years since I was in early elementary school. It was so nice seeing so many familiar faces and I didn't realize how much I missed them OR the actual church building itself... Even the way it smelled made me feel at home. I'm really going to miss Ernie... Even though its been nearly 4 years since I saw him last, I have so many wonderful memories of him. He will be missed dearly.

7th tooth?!

So as I was playing with Violet today I realized that she has a 7th tooth!! Her first molar on the top left side!!! It must've came in while she was sick because its grown pretty far down! Oh man that means the other molar is close behind! So exciting!!!

For the past month I have been making her foods primarily steamed NOT puréed and she LOVES it! Tonight for dinner she had steamed apples and peas and bits of papaya and turkey meatball :) She loves picking up pieces, taking bites, and chewing :) (side note: as I'm typing this, she's having a ball pestering Odie). When my parents where here we took a trip to the Marukai store and I finally found a good bento box to put Violets lunches in for daycare :) Hurray!! So much more organized and a good size, too!